New studies show medical marijuana helps anxiety suffers cope

If you suffer anxiety, there’s great news coming out of the world of medical marijuana. For the first time, studies prove that there is rock-solid evidence that marijuana is an effective treatment against anxiety.

medical marijuana

The most surprising aspect of the findings is how war veterans can benefit from medical cannabis. Everyone knows that those in the combat zone commonly have PTSD; before now, there were a limited amount of drugs available to treat the condition. Medical marijuana makes sense because it’s a natural drug that is easily controllable by the patient. If a veteran is feeling more anxiety one day than the other, they can increase the dose. The same is true if they feel less anxiety; it’s possible for them to cut back on the dose.

Anxiety leads to a whole host of problems

Anxiety tends to be the original symptom, but it isn’t the last. With anxiety often comes depression from not being able to do anything to get rid of the anxiety. It’s also not unheard of for OCD bouts to flare up if a person with high levels of anxiety experiences a spike in their nervousness. As you can imagine, the combination of these conditions can leave a person unable to function in life. What happens when a person is no longer able to maintain their day to day life? They often spiral out of control and find themselves in a spot that it’s hard to come out of.

Drugs that treat anxiety are often addictive

A terrible side effect of anxiety drugs is that many of them are addictive. It’s not unheard of for a patient to initially stick with the recommended dose but then find themselves needing to take more and more to feel the same effects. Marijuana is different because the dose usually doesn’t need to be increased in the same manner. Also, marijuana is not addictive, and the body doesn’t crave it the same way that it does anxiety medication.

medical marijuana

Safe, effective, and all natural

That’s medical marijuana in a nutshell. Those with anxiety who visit their Marijuana dispensary in California often know how true these words are. Marijuana plays an invaluable role in how you maintain your anxiety and your lifestyle. If things get out of control, you increase the dose and allow the anxiety to melt away. When you feel less nervous, you rely on marijuana less, and that’s how it should be. As a patient, you should always be the one in control of your treatment.

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