Once you’ve created your account, please remember to verify it by logging in with Facebook or Twitter. This is a security measure that eToro has put in place to ensure that all its customers are who they say they are once you have verified your new trading account, congratulations.
Investing in stocks is a great way to grow your money. You can invest with as little as $5, and the minimum trade stocks on eToro size is just one share of stock (which means you could start investing for less). At eToro, we are committed to providing you with all the information about which stocks might be most profitable for trading on our platform. After all, if you don’t know where to start and which stocks will bring you the most returns, it will be tough to make money.
Use our daily Technical Analysis feature to find out which stock is going up or down the most. This feature shows you at a glance in a clear chart what’s happening with any stock on eToro. Click here to have a look at some of the chart patterns you’ll see when we analyze a particular stock:
As well as this charting tool also provides a wide range of technical indicators that can help you decide if now is the right time to invest in any specific stock.
When you want to invest in your chosen eToro Stock Fund – whether by adding it manually or by automated trading – we provide you with all the key information about your portfolio of investments and even show you how much money has been added or removed from your total portfolio. What’s more, we give away free eToro Shares once every three days so that anyone can get started investing for free – without any fees being deducted from their original investments.